These three stainless steel figures represent a mother, and her two children, a boy and a girl. Their arms joyously reach upward as a rainbow of birds fly from their arms. Representing the endless possibilities that tomorrow brings. Located in
These three stainless steel figures represent a mother, and her two children, a boy and a girl. Their arms joyously reach upward as a rainbow of birds fly from their arms. Representing the endless possibilities that tomorrow brings. Located in

Positive Tomorrows and Remerge

Location: Positive Tomorrows and ReMerge – Oklahoma City, OK

Size: 7 feet wide by 14 feet tall

Materials: Stainless Steel

Date: 2019

Positive Tomorrows is a non-profit organization created to help homeless children and their families in three ways; remove barriers that get in the way of a child’s learning, including hunger, lack of transportation, and basic necessities. Provide robust, intensive, and individualized education to homeless kids who are often behind. And empower homeless families to become self-sufficient and gain stability. ReMerge of Oklahoma County is a pre-trial diversion program that serves high-risk, high-needs mothers facing non-violent felony offenses in Oklahoma County. ReMerge is a non-profit dedicated to restoring women to their families and our community. They seek to impact Oklahoma’s high rate of female incarceration and to serve as a model to the power of rehabilitation. Together, these programs create a powerhouse of healing and growth. The sculpture is placed in between these two facilities hosted on the same campus. The figures are seen with their arms in the air, celebrating the obstacles they have overcome. The birds are a symbol of freedom. Freedom from past trauma, and moving towards a path of healing and success.